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- IAPS Roma, 26/03/2025 @ 11:00
Alessandro Coletta (Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali), "Investigating massive star formation with ALMAGAL: clump fragmentation and core evolution" - IASF Milano, 26/03/2025 @ 11:30
Golam Mohiuddin Shaifullah (University of Milano Bicocca), "Prospects with nanohertz GW astronomy" - OA Trieste, 26/03/2025 @ 11:30
Leo Girardi (INAF - OA Padova), "Stress-testing stellar population models with Gaia, and the need for HAYDN" - OA Catania, 27/03/2025 @ 11:00
Eva Panetier (CEA Saclay, Université Paris Cité), "How is magnetism affecting the properties of solar and stellar acoustic modes?" - OA Abruzzo, 27/03/2025 @ 11:00
Stefano Sandrelli (INAF OA Brera, OAE Italy), "La collaborazione internazionale nel campo dell’Education: il caso dell’Office of Astronomy for Education" - OAS Bologna, 27/03/2025 @ 11:30
Giulia Illuminati (INFN - Bologna), "An Unprecedented Detection: The Ultra-High-Energy Neutrino KM3-230213A" - OA Palermo, 27/03/2025 @ 15:00
Alex Thompson (University College London), "Probing Impacts of Stellar Variability within HST WFC3/STIS and Ariel Tier 2 and Tier 3 Observations with Activity Metrics" - OA Trieste, 01/04/2025 @ 12:00
Eleonora Fiorellino (INAF), "The Mass Accretion Rate on Young Stellar Objects: the challenge of the early stages" - IAPS Roma, 02/04/2025 @ 11:00
Gabriele Bruni (Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali), "Unveiling the mystery of fast radio bursts through their environment" - OA Trieste, 02/04/2025 @ 11:30
Daniela Carollo (INAF - OA Trieste), "Detection and characterization of dwarf galaxies in Euclid ERO and Q1 data" - OA Catania, 03/04/2025 @ 11:00
Alexandra Thompson (University College London), "Probing Impacts of Stellar Variability within HST WFC3/STIS and Ariel Tier 2 and Tier 3 Observations with Activity Metrics" - OAS Bologna, 03/04/2025 @ 11:30
Ivan Delvecchio (INAF OAS Bologna), "AGN-sCAN: a multi-purpose VLBA survey of star-forming galaxies at cosmic noon" - IAPS Roma, 09/04/2025 @ 11:00
Anna Milillo (Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali), "Mercury’s environment observed by BepiColombo mission and SERENA experiment." - OA Trieste, 09/04/2025 @ 11:30
Andrea Comastri (INAF - OAS Bologna), "On the nature of faint AGN discovered by JWST" - OAS Bologna, 10/04/2025 @ 11:30
Tanio Diaz-Santos (FORTH, Institute of Astrophysics, Greece), "The Interstellar Medium of the Most Luminous, Dusty Galaxies, Near and Far" - OA Trieste, 16/04/2025 @ 11:30
Pierre-Alain Duc (Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg), "From UDGs to UCDs via dE,Ns and HST to Euclid; a history of the evolution of dwarf galaxies and their surveys" - OAS Bologna, 17/04/2025 @ 11:30
Benjamin Magnelli (CEA Paris-Saclay), "An infrared/submillimeter view on the universality of star-formation across cosmic time" - OA Trieste, 09/05/2025 @ 11:30
Diego Redigolo (INFN Florence), "The Dark Sector and the Large Scale Structure of the Universe" - OAS Bologna, 20/05/2025 @ 14:00
Fatemeh Zahra Majidi (Blue Skies Space), "Mauve: a three-year UV-Vis survey dedicated to monitor stellar activity and variability" - OA Trieste, 21/05/2025 @ 11:30
Jens Ormo (Centro de Astrobiología, CSIC-INTA), "Impact craters as indicators for target properties and paleoenvironments: some case studies from Earth to asteroids"
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