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- IAPS Roma, 25/11/2024 @ 11:00
Merlin Kole (University Of New Hampshire), "Gamma-Ray Burst Polarimetry: History and Future Prospects" - OAS Bologna, 26/11/2024 @ 14:00
Davide Pelliciari (INAF IRA Bologna), "Fast Radio Bursts with the Northern Cross FRB Project" - IAPS Roma, 27/11/2024 @ 11:00
Lorenzo Marra (Università di Padova), "X-ray polarization properties of stellar-mass black holes in soft state: theory and first observations." - OA Trieste, 27/11/2024 @ 11:30
Benedetta Ciardi (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics, Garching), "Modelling and observations of cosmic reionization" - OAS Bologna, 28/11/2024 @ 11:30
Paolo Serra (Inaf Cagliari), "The MeerKAT Fornax Survey: paths to galaxy quenching in small clusters" - IAPS Roma, 02/12/2024 @ 11:00
William Henry Matthaeus (University of Delaware), "Nonlinear and Statistical Behavior of Plasma Turbulence: the appearance and effects of structure" - OA Torino, 05/12/2024 @ 11:00
Simranpreet Kaur (Institute of Space Sciences (ICE-CSIC), Barcelona), "Decoding circularly polarized radio emission from a Young Stellar Object and a Scallop-shell star" - OAS Bologna, 12/12/2024 @ 11:30
Anna Lia Longinotti (UNAM, Mexico), "Latest results from the HWAC Gamma Ray Observatory" - OAS Bologna, 12/12/2024 @ 14:30
Fabrizio Villa (INAF OAS Bologna), "La Via della Conoscenza e il Planetario cittadino" - IASF Milano, 12/12/2024 @ 14:30
Stefano Borgani (INAF - Osservatorio di Trieste - Univ. di Trieste), "Galaxy clusters from adolescence to maturity: challenges for simulations" - IASF Milano, 18/12/2024 @ 11:30
Nicolo' Parmiggiani (INAF OAS Bologna), "Deep Learning Models to Analyze Gamma-ray sky maps and time series" - OA Trieste, 18/12/2024 @ 11:30
Nils Ryde (Lund University), "Detailed chemistry of the Galactic Center" - IASF Milano, 05/02/2025 @ 11:30
Alejandro Benitez Llambay (Milano Bicocca), "Probes to nature of dark matter from faint (and dark) galaxies" - OAS Bologna, 18/02/2025 @ 14:00
Ludovica Crosato Menegazzi (Albert Einstein Institute, Postdam), "Variety of disk wind-driven explosions in massive rotating stars"
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